Policy on overlapping projects

1 - MRC/Wellcome Trust Human Developmental Biology Resource Policy on potentially overlapping research projects


  • Exists to promote high quality research using human embryo/fetal material
  • Intends to make access to this material open equally to all workers with a valid project
  • Wishes to maintain confidentiality of ongoing projects wherever possible
  • Is concerned to avoid wastage of resource due to overlap of research projects

With these principles in mind, the HDBR has produced a policy which aims to avoid project overlap where possible whilst maintaining open access to human material and respect for investigator confidentiality. A copy of this policy can be downloaded below.

Download Policy on overlapping projects

2 - MRC/Wellcome Trust Human Developmental Biology Resource Operating principles

To ensure that all researchers receive tissue from the HDBR on a fair and equal basis, the HDBR provides tissue following defined guidelines. These guidelines are outlined in our Operating Principles, a copy of which can be downloaded below.

Download HDBR Operating Principles